Parish Class Format
![faculty teaching a of small groups](
What You'll Cover
You'll study the major and minor Prophets of the Old Testament, as well as the books of Tobit, Judith, and Esther. In these inspired works, the Lord calls us to grow in holiness, worshiping while living in right relationship with both God and neighbor. The Prophets illuminate the life and ministry of Jesus and show how God leads us to deper conversion.
Preparing at Home
We recommend setting aside 2-3 hours a week (just 20-30 min a day!) for reading the assigned Scriptures and writing responses to discussion questions to share with your group each week. There are no tests, quizzes, or grades--our purpose is discipleship.
At Home and in Class
Reading the Bible at home can be part of your ordinary prayer life! We encourage participants to listen for the Holy Spirit and stop to dwell on passages where God speaks to you. We draw from the riches of the Church in praying together, using Scripture, during class.
Taking Year C Online?
Whether in a Parish or Online: Books, Schedule, and More
We recommend setting aside about 2 hours a week for reading the Bible and other supplemental books for The Bible Course. Reading the Sacred Scriptures can be part of your ordinary prayer time!
Parish classes meet weekly, at the same time and place. Your teacher will notify you of any weather/facility cancellations. All classes are audio-recorded (like a podcast) so that you can stay connected when missing a class or review for your own study.
The online class uses the same start/end weeks and vacation weeks as parish classes.
All teachers hold a Masters degree (or higher) in Catholic Theology or a related field and are approved for teaching by Dr. Peter Williamson, Co-Editor of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture and Chair of the Department of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary (Detroit).
A teacher remains with a class for the full year (Sept-to-May) in order to get to know each participant and foster growth as a disciple of Jesus.
For The Bible Course, we suggest a tuition of $600 per year with a 50% discount for additional family members.
If you are able to give above the $600 per year level, we offer our gratitude in advance, your generosity allows the Biblical School ministry to reach others who cannot afford to give.
If you are able to contribute a smaller amount, please do.
Tuition contributions of any size or frequency are welcomed. Since 2009, every person who has wanted to participate has been able to, regardless of their financial resources, due to donations to our scholarship fund.