Simply Scripture: Gospel of Mark and Acts of the Apostles
In Lent 2025 we’re offering a free, private Facebook group moderated by author, Colleen Vermeulen, for daily reflections and discussions with others, including Catholic Biblical School alumni who are using the book for Lenten and Easter Season prayer. It’s a supportive, friendly, open place for accompanying others in growing the habit of daily Bible reading and prayer.
Interested? Click to join the private Facebook group (be sure to answer the joining questions).

The Perfect Place to Begin Daily Bible Reading
Having a doable plan to regularly and prayerfully engage scripture can make this practice sustainable for people with busy lives. This daily prayer guide, keyed to the Lenten and Easter seasons, provides a simple framework for reading and reflection upon Mark’s Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. Bookend your day with morning and evening readings that incrementally walk you through these foundational books of the New Testament with greater confidence and understanding.
Join our email-list for a book discount code or purchase the book for $15 at Catholic Biblical School events.
“Reading this book, I felt like Colleen Vermeulen was speaking straight from her heart to mine as she took me through the very basic, practical steps of learning to love the Bible and pray with it. This is one of the best introductions to daily Bible reading and prayer I have come across. I highly recommend it both for Bible beginners and the biblically literate who would like to learn to pray with scripture.”
John Bergsma, Author of "Bible Basics for Catholics" and Professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville