A Proven Leader in Adult Faith Formation
The Catholic Biblical School of Michigan has partnered with 60 parishes across 4 dioceses, serving over 2,900 participants. Through teaching, proclaiming the kerygma, small groups, and apprenticeship in prayer, we form disciples through the power of the Sacred Scriptures. Understanding, prayer, and relationship with God are our three goals for every person.
We are experienced in offering:
- Evening parish mission/events
- Half-day and full-day events
- Multi-day retreats and conferences
- Multi-week series
To the Cross with Jesus
Especially relevant for Lent, three movements through entering into Jesus’s experience of the Passion in Scripture, pondering the passion through Mary’s eyes, and understanding the victory in Jesus’s passion and death for us, personally.

Journey with the Apostles
The lives of the apostles offer powerful inspiration for our own journeys of encountering Jesus and following him as disciples who are sent, each on a unique mission. Discover the details of Sacred Scripture that guide us toward understanding the lessons of the apostles and knowing them as powerful intercessors for us today.
The Eucharist in Scripture
Ever been asked where the Eucharist is found in the Bible? Explore how God’s Word reveals the Eucharist as bread, sacrifice, and banquet in both the Old and New Testaments. The Eucharist is a feast the Lord invites each of us to experience from the Scriptures and altar.

St. Luke the Evangelist: Experience the Journey of Discipleship
Year C of the Catholic Lectionary for Sunday Masses features the Gospel of Luke. Experience the narrative arc, themes, and unique contributions of St. Luke that help us understand and apply the Bible to our own lives.

Do you have an event idea or theme in mind? We’d love to hear it.
Send us an email, or give us a call at 586-438-3085.