Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan (CBSM)?

CBSM (Catholic Biblical School of Michigan) is a lay apostolate incorporated as an independent non-profit organization [501 (c) 3 status] listed in the Official Catholic Directory, with a Board of Directors approved by the Archdiocese of Detroit. CBSM exists to invite Catholics to encounter Jesus in and through the inspired Word of God and grow as missionary disciples, fueled by daily connection to God in His Word. More here >>

How is a CBSM class different than a typical Bible study?
How is a CBSM class different than a college or university course?
What impact does participating in CBSM have on a person's life and faith?
Why do people join a CBSM class?
How do CBSM classes benefit parishes and pastors?
Are there Open Houses or Information Sessions?

Our Locations and Schedule

Where are classes held?

Most of our classes are held in local Catholic parishes across the Archdiocese of Detroit, Diocese of Lansing, Diocese of Grand Rapids, and Diocese of Kalamazoo. We also offer a virtual online class, accessible to any person, in any location! View current locations here. You can also start a satellite small group or bring a Biblical School ministry to your parish/setting.

When are classes held?
How long is the course?
What if I need to miss classes?
Will class be at the same time and location for all years ?
Do I need to join for four years?
Can I re-join or "double-up" on classes?
Is there a distance learning option?

About Our Classes

What's the class format each week?

During the first hour of our in-person parish-based classes, we spend a short time in prayer, have small group discussion (based on Scriptural readings assigned for the past week), and have Q&A with the teacher. During the second hour of class, the teacher presents his/her lecture, which informs and guides each participant’s engagement with the Scriptural readings and short reflections they will complete on their own during the coming week. 

The combination of prayer, written reflection, reading, discussion, Q&A with an experienced teacher, and dynamic lecture creates an environment where all adult learners can thrive and grow in faith. 

Shorter courses like Bible Foundations and those held at ministry centers follow a similar format.

For our virtual/online class, read about the weekly routine  >> here

How large is a class?
Will my instructor or small group change?
Why does CBSM include small group discussion?
Why do we start with the Old Testament?
What does studying the entire Bible in four years look like?
How much time will it take?
Is there "homework"?
How often is it okay to miss class?
What books are used for classes?
Can my participation be applied to catechetical certification?
How do I know I am receiving Catholic teaching on Scripture?

Registration Information

How do I register?

Registration is available through an online form from Memorial Day through just after Labor Day each year, and paper registration forms are available at all Summer Information Sessions

Can I register even if I haven't attended an Information Session?
How much does it cost to participate?
Does CBSM offer discounts, scholarships, or financial aid?
What are the different ways to pay and/or contribution options?