Be ready for whatever life brings you with The Bible Course.
From Genesis to Revelation, expert in-person teachers present every book of the Bible so that you can understand God’s message, apply it to daily life, and experience the Scriptures as an encounter with God.
The Bible Course brings you:
- Expert faculty with graduate degrees in Catholic theology, available in-class or via email to answer your questions and guide you on the path of discipleship.
- The entire Bible spread across Sept-to-May weekly classes, a pace that works for both beginners and experienced Bible-readers.
- Our proven structure helps you grow as a disciple of Jesus and includes prayer, written reflection, and group discussion.
- A vibrantly Catholic, in-depth study that goes beyond the typical Bible study group.
Accessibility to grow in the faith in a local parish, online class, or in your own satellite small group. We cover the entire Bible at a pace that’s right for both beginners and experienced Bible readers, dividing the Bible into four classes called Covenant, Encounter, Wisdom, and Prophets.
Some people join for just one class and some people do all four classes, and people make their way through the four classes in a variety of “orders” (i.e. not required to complete Covenant before Encounter, etc.).

Study the Bible in Four "Sept-to-May" Classes

The Bible Course
Covenant Year
Salvation History from Genesis to 2 Maccabees
In Created for Covenant, we begin our journey through the Bible by tracing the story of Israel–the People of God–through the historical books of the Old Testament, from Genesis to 2 Maccabees.
Jesus’ earthly ministry flowed forth from this Old Testament context, from the lived and powerfully remembered history of Israel and God’s plan for creation. Through these books we discover that we too are created for covenant. The Old Testament is not merely history, but indeed our story, our family.
Happening 2024-25 at:
- St. John Neumann (Mondays 7-9 pm),
- Our Lady of Good Counsel (Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 am)
- Most Holy Trinity (Mondays 7-8:30pm)
- Our Lady of Consolation (Wednesdays 7-9pm)
- and Fully-Online.

The Bible Course
Encounter Year
The Synoptic Gospels, Acts and the Letters of Paul
Experience the transformative event of the Good News of Jesus Christ through the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke, Acts of the Apostles, Paul’s Letters, and the Letter to the Hebrews. For many, the Gospels are at first familiar–from Mass, prayer, or even memories of childhood storybooks. Yet, as we encounter these inspired texts anew, we encounter Jesus anew, as one participant reflected, “a new amazement and appreciation!” Or, as another explained:
“I’ve heard the parables many times before, but this year they took on new meaning–they contain so much more than I realized! I feel closer to God and realize more all that He has given to us in the Bible, how He loves us and cares for us.”
As we understand more Jesus’s earthly ministry and the response of the early Church, we too are more and more filled by the Holy Spirit and fueled for our own lives of witness in our world today.
Happening 2024-25 at:
- St. Thomas Aquinas East Lansing (Mondays 7-9 pm),
- St. Joseph Lake Orion (Thursdays 7-9 pm),
- Muskegon Catholic Central (Wednesdays 7-9 pm),
- and Fully-Online.

The Bible Course
Prophet Year
The Prophets, Tobit, Judith and Esther
In Called to Return to Love, we encounter the major and minor Prophets of the Old Testament, as well as the books of Tobit, Judith, and Esther. In these inspired works, the Lord calls us to grow in holiness, worshiping while living in right relationship with both God and neighbor.
Participants remark how the Prophets illuminate the life and ministry of Jesus:
“they show us how God brings about continual victories that lead to deeper personal conversion.”
Happening 2024-25 at:
- Our Lady of Victory Northville (Mondays 7-9 pm),
- St. Therese Shelby Twp (Thursdays 7-9 pm),
- St. Patrick Brighton (Wednesdays 7-9 pm),
- St. Timothy Trenton (Tuesdays 7-9 pm)
- and Fully-Online

The Bible Course
Wisdom Year
The Psalms and Wisdom Literature, Catholic Epistles, John and Revelation
In Walking Daily with God, we prayerfully study the Psalms and Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament, the Catholic/General Epistles, John’s Gospel and Letters, and the Book of Revelation.
Participants engage with the deep wisdom of the Word that enlightens our minds, hearts, and the world. Through these Scriptures, truth, beauty, and goodness form us for a lifetime of discipleship. We follow Jesus in accompanying and evangelizing.
Happening 2024-25 at:
- Holy Family Grand Blanc (Tuesdays 7-9 pm),
- Shrine of the Little Flower (Wednesdays 1-3 pm),
- Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (Tuesdays 7-9 pm),
- and Fully-Online.