"Be Transformed Through the Renewing of Your Mind"

-Romans 12:2

The transformation that God desires to work in every person, through Jesus’ power and the Holy Spirit’s actions, is unique to each of our lives. What is common to all is knowing the Lord in personal relationship through prayer, and responding to God’s personal call in our lives. 

In the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, our team of teachers and staff are passionate about being our best and ensuring we are effective in fulfilling the mission the Church has entrusted us with as a lay apostolate. We do this by surveying those who participate in our classes, capturing numbers and stories that provide a glimpse of how God is working transformation in CBSM ministries. 

The Numbers

Source: in-class and online surveys of participants in 3-4 years of CBSM, 2019-2024; 53% response rate, n=306

Source: online (email) survey of 4-year participants in CBSM, 2018; 16% response rate, n=47

The Stories