Disciple Groups
Grow together between or after your Catholic Biblical School class
Disciple Groups meet bi-weekly for prayer, fellowship, and encouragement in our Christian life. While Disciple Groups aren’t Bible studies, members do pray with and apply Scripture; rather than just friends hanging out, members grow into deep friendship. Disciple Groups focus on personal conversion, growth in prayer and holiness (transformation), and embracing a missional life (mission), within the context of one’s vocation.
Not sure where to start?
Contact us and we can help guide and assist you in starting a Disciple Group from among your Catholic Biblical School friends, local alumni, and others.
Meet the Handbook Author
Pete Ziolkowski has been teaching Scripture for many years in a variety of venues and has taught at Sacred Heart Seminary. He has developed the “Jesus Challenge to Young Adults” series and written a Disciple Group Handbook, Made for Joy, and Discipleship for Catholic Men.
Pete studied liberal arts with a degree in pure math and holds master degrees in finance and scripture (University of Michigan and Sacred Heart Major Seminary). Pete and his wife Theresa have five children and live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.