Dcn. Kurt Lucas
Deacon Kurt Lucas joined CBSM in 2017 and teaches Years A,B,C &D. He and his wife, Cathy, are converts from the world of Evangelical Protestantism. Ordained for the Diocese of Kalamazoo in 2007, Deacon Kurt worked in diocesan administration for many years before returning to the classroom in 2016. He currently teaches theology at St. Monica school, Scripture at Hackett Catholic Prep, and adult courses/offerings at St. Monica parish.
Deacon Kurt finds his motivation to teach flows from a love of Jesus, His Church, and the beauty, truth, and goodness of His self-revelation in Sacred Scripture. As an instructor, he seeks to integrate both kerygmatic proclamation/invitation and assistance with common apologetical questions into class.
His favorite Scripture is from St. Paul in Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.”
Deacon Kurt has been married to Cathy since 1992. They reside in Mattawan, MI. When not spending time with his children, he enjoys reading a good book!
Fun Fact: Deacon Kurt and his wife, Cathy, have nine children!
Attended Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL from 1983-1985
B.A., Major: History, Minor: Political Science, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 1989
M.A., Emphasis: Educational Leadership, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 1995
M.T.S., Institute for Pastoral Theology, Ave Maria University, Ypsilanti, MI & Madonna University, Livonia, MI, 2005