What’s with all the names? Can I just skip over the genealogies in the Bible?

Anyone who reads Genesis or the beginning of Matthew’s Gospel discovers that the Bible contains many genealogies! These names are often long and unfamiliar, and sometimes they are gathered into groups that provide information about who fathered, or begat, whom. They are prefaced by the Hebrew word toledot which gets translated in a variety of […]
“You can’t be Catholic and vote for….”

Perhaps you have heard this phrase during this election cycle. As we navigate the divided political climate, it is important to be mindful of Jesus’ omnipresence (cf. Ps 139:7). The enemy likes to sow division:such a phrase weakens our relationships and distracts us from our true mission as disciples. I confess to my own struggle with political discourse, […]
Question: I’ve heard that most of Mark’s Gospel is also in the Gospel of Matthew. What about the parts that aren’t?
This is correct! Scholars estimate that about 80-90% of Mark’s Gospel is in Matthew’s Gospel. This intriguing question comes from one of our Catholic Biblical School satellite group participants, thank you and keep the questions flowing to info@cbsmich.org. Let’s set a starting foundation. This question assumes the hypothesis that Mark is the oldest Gospel, and […]
Key Words in Mark’s Gospel
Unpacking the Gospel of Mark One Minute Takes on Key Words Explore the ancient meaning of key words found in Mark’s Gospel, and how each of these words applies to us as modern-day followers of Jesus. Want to go deeper? Step into a day-by-day guided reading of Mark’s Gospel with our first Biblical School book, […]
How can I pray with Scripture?

So many of us long for a way to approach the Scriptures prayerfully. In fact, the Church calls for this as a fundamental element in the spiritual life of every believer, not simply as an optional add-on for “really holy” people like priests, vowed religious, or contemplative mystics. How can we do this with confidence? Do […]
Which Bible Should I Use?

Wondering which Bible to buy to start your studies? Here are some ideas to help get you started. If you can, visit a Catholic book store to look through Bibles to find the one that is right for you!
Why is the raising of Lazarus so important?

Why is the raising of Lazarus so significant? What does the account have to do with Lent and Holy Week?