Scott Wright
Scott Wright joined the CBSM team in 2018 as in instructor in Year D. His love of the Word of God inspires him to approach teaching with CBSM in an actively prayerful way, seeking to learn more about the Faith.
He lives in the beautiful Prospect Park neighborhood in Ypsilanti along with his wife and five children. Serving as the outreach ministry coordinator at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Ann Arbor since June 2000 has given Scott the experience of seeing Christ alive in both his faith community and in its evangelization efforts. In addition to assisting with coordinating the parish pilgrimages and trips, he develops education and training programs for parishioners to work in social needs areas, including through the St. Vincent Service Committee, Stephen Ministry, Tax Filing Program, Giving Tree Gifts,, Jail Ministry and many other programs.
Scott’s favorite Scripture verse is “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and am here; I did not come on my own, but he sent me.” + Jesus Christ (John 8:42).
When he is not busy teaching theology classes and coordinating outreach programs, Scott enjoys going on short pilgrimages, traveling with his family, biking and swimming. He invites you to connect with him on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Fun Facts: Scott grew up in Lenawee County on a farm as a plumber’s son, and while associated with Future Farmers of America he won first prize at the Hudson Grange fair for the grand champion steer.
He also ran the Twin Cities Marathon in 3 hours 12 minutes!
- MDiv Theology Master of Divinity from the Athenaeum of Ohio, Mount Saint Mary Seminary of the West, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- BSW Social Work from the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota.