Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm

October 5, 12, 19, 26

$60/person includes materials

Participate onsite at the Catholic Information Center (Grand Rapids) or online

Disagreement, polarized viewpoints, and even conflict are not new in the life of the Church. The rapidly growing community of disciples in the first century experienced internal disagreements and conflict – in addition to facing persecution from religious leaders and the Roman empire’s government. Explore what the life of the Church can teach us today about reconciling differences during this 4-week mini-course on the book in the Bible, the Acts of the Apostles. When we listen to and trust in the Holy Spirit, who leads to all truth, we experience the inspiration for creatively resolving conflict in – and outside – of the Church. A program from the Leadership Formation Institute for Biblical Studies. Co-sponsored and hosted by the Catholic Information Center of Grand Rapids.

  • This is a 4 week mini-course: October 5, 12, 19, 26. When you pre-register, plan on attending all 4 weeks.
  • You can participate in-person at the Catholic Information Center or online through Zoom. To receive the link for Zoom, please pre-register.
  • Sessions will be recorded. If you miss a session, you will receive a link to the recording.
  • You may use any translation of the Bible to participate in the course. Recommended translations for the course are the NRSV and the NABRE.
  • Don’t have a Bible? Don’t worry. The NABRE is available online at We can also loan you a hard copy if you prefer.
  • As a course of study, plan on extra time for reading, prayer, and reflection between weekly sessions.


Doug Taylor-Weiss is an instructor with the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan. His motivation to teach stems from his fervent belief that the New Testament is hidden in the Old and the Old is revealed in the New. A Catholic convert and former Protestant minister, Doug received a doctorate in ministry from Seabury Western Seminary. He and his wife Debra reside in Grand Rapids. Read more about Doug >>