Ephesians 5 and Submission of Women
Q&A: Why does Paul tell wives to be subject, submit, or be subordinate to husbands? A Catholic Understanding of Ephesians 5:22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk5BLxgMUpY By Colleen Vermeulen, Director of Mission & Instructor Have you ever heard “Wives, submit to your husbands” in the pew on Sunday and thought, huh? When placed in the context of Paul’s message to […]
Were any books of the New Testament written after the death of John the Apostle?

Do Catholics believe that any books of the Bible were written in the 2nd century? How did the Church even decide what books belonged in the Bible?
Is the Catholic Bible changing?!?

Is the Bible changing? By understanding how manuscripts, translations, and editions work, you can be ready to answer this question!