The Jesus Challenge to Young Adults: Eucharist in Scripture

Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you cannot have life within you (John 6.53)

It seems like a whopper: Do we eat and drink the actual body and blood of Christ in the the Eucharist? Why?  Does the Eucharist really make present Jesus’ once and for all redeeming sacrifice and join us to his Body?  How?  This is precisely Jesus’ challenge to us and to our reductionist world.  

Living in our secular postmodern world is daunting. Catholicism seems under attack constantly, and authentic discipleship an insurmountable task. Is it even possible? How do we embrace Jesus’ Eucharistic words and share this Good News with our agnostic or indifferent friends?

Let’s find out. If you want all the power and love Jesus offers us in the Eucharist, if your heart yearns to better know and understand Jesus and his word, if you are eager to share eternal life with your friends, this series is for you.

The only one who can show us Truth, is Truth

Fr. John Riccardo Board of Director, CBSM

Not Your Typical Bible Study

With the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, you receive seminary-level, in-person instruction, giving you direct access to ask questions and take a deep dive into comprehensive study—in a way that’s convenient and relevant to you.

  • Lively discussion with other young adults (YAs)
  • Focus on discipleship teaching – and how to live it today.
  • Format includes prayer, written reflection, reading, discussion, and Q&A.

You get all this while enjoying fellowship with other Catholic young adults in Ann Arbor. And, don’t worry, there are no tests.

Meet Your Instructor

Pete Ziolkowski has been teaching Scripture for many years in a variety of venues and has taught at Sacred Heart Seminary. He has developed the “Jesus Challenge to Young Adults” series and written a Disciple Group Handbook, Made for Joy, and Discipleship for Catholic Men.

Pete studied liberal arts with a degree in pure math and holds master degrees in finance and scripture (University of Michigan and Sacred Heart Major Seminary).  Pete and his wife Theresa have five children and live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Jesus' Challenge to Young Adults

Join us to explore the Scriptures on the Eucharist. You’ll unpack what it means to live as an authentic disciple in the 21st century and learn to apply Jesus’ words to your life in a meaningful way.

When: Mondays  7-9 pm, starts January 22nd

Where: St. Francis of Assissi Church, 2270 E. Stadium, Ann Arbor, Parish Activities Center


  • 5 Weekly Sessions
  • Lecture and small group discussion
  • Refreshments

Cost: $25 tuition (or free)
*A generous donor is covering all additional costs of the course, a full value of $75.